Standardizing Predicted Body Weight Equations for Mechanical Ventilation Tidal Volume Settings.
Linares-Perdomo O, East TD, Brower R, Morris AH.
Chest. 2015 Mar 5. 14-2843
Recent recommendations for lung protective mechanical ventilation (MV) include a tidal volume (VT) target of 6 ml/kg predicted bodyweight (PBW). Different PBW equations might introduce important differences in tidal volumes delivered to research subjects andto patients.
方法:理想体重公式利用体重/年龄/性别作为输入变量。我们比较了在临床实验中使用的涵盖生理范围内的年龄和身高的计算公式:NIH ARDS Network (ARDSNet), actuarial table (ACTUARIAL), 和 Stewart(STEWART)方程,用三维和二维的表面分析来比较这些理想体重方程。然后我们用实际临床受试者的年龄身高指标来量化理想体重方程之间的差异。
PBW equations use height, age, and gender as inputvariables. We compared NIH ARDS Network (ARDSNet), actuarial table (ACTUARIAL),and Stewart (STEWART) PBW equations used in clinical trials, acrossphysiologic ranges for age and height. We used 3-D and 2-D surface analysis tocompare these PBW equations. We then used age and height from actual clinical trialsubjects to quantify PBW equation differences.
Significant potential differences existbetween these PBW predictions. The ACTUARIAL and ARDSNet surfaces for womenwere the only surfaces that intersected and produced both positive and negativedifferences. Mathematical differences between PBW equations at limits of height and age exceeded 30%in women and 24% in men for ACTUARIAL versus ARDSNet, and about 25% for womenand 15% for men for STEWART versus ARDSNet. The largest mathematicaldifferences were present in older, shorter subjects, especially women. Actualdifferences for clinical trial subjects were as high as 15% for men and 24% forwomen.
Significant differences between PBW equations for both men and women could be importantsources of inter-study variation. Studies should adopt a standard PBW equation.We recommend using the NIH/NHLBI ARDS Network PBW equation because it isassociated with the clinical trial that identified 6ml/kg PBW as an appropriatetarget.
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